Inspiring Well-Being: 4 Podcast Episodes from 2024

Last year, I had the pleasure of being a guest on 4 different podcasts. I had inspiring conversations about (,yes, you guessed it,) well-being!

I’ve gathered the links to the episodes in this blog post. I invite you to tune in and let these conversations inspire you.

The Difference Between Toxic Positivity and Positive Psychology

Listen to my conversation with my friend Caitie Corradino on her podcast Whole, Full, & Alive. We talk about toxic positivity versus genuine happiness, the different types of positive emotions, savoring practices, and other tools for well-being.

Renewing our Sense of Well-Being

Tune in to my conversation with my friend Sina Peterson on her podcast Renewed Senses. We delve into the different pillars or “pathways” to well-being and explore barriers for well-being.

Break Free From Limiting Believes: A Guide to Realistic Optimism

Listen to my conversation with business coach Jamie Raterman on her podcast Limitless. We explore how we can “CBT ourselves” and make our thinking more accurate to break free from limiting beliefs. Even though this podcast is tailored to entrepeneurs, I think anyone will find value in this episode.

The Science of Wellbeing: Practical Tools to Thrive

Tune in to my conversation with vitality coach Magali Mathieu on her podcast Unlock your Vitality, where we explore the different pathways to well-being and vitality. I also share a bit of my story of following my curiosities and becoming a well-being practitioner.

What do you think? I’d love to hear about it! What were your main take-aways from these episodes? You are more than welcome to share this with me. My email inbox and Instagram DMs are open, as always.

Do you have any tips for podcast I should guest on? Or are there any topics you’d like to hear about in a podcast format? Please let me know!


“Peeling Back Layers” to Unlock Strenghts: Personal Growth in Yoga & Positive Psych


Retreat with me in 2025!