Yoga Beyond the Postures: Understanding the Original Intention of Yoga Asana
Do you know the original purpose of yoga asana?
I’m publishing this blog on June 21st, which is the International Day of Yoga, as declared by the UN General Assembly. I see yoga as a great gift that helps millions of people around the world (myself included!) boost their well-being & health. And I wanted to take the opportunity to share about the roots of yoga:
Yoga is a set of philosophical, mental, physical, and spiritual practices with roots that go five thousand years (!!) back to ancient India and Eastern traditions.
And the original intention and purpose for yoga asana (the yoga postures & movements) is to prepare body & mind to SIT comfortably in meditation.
Learning this was a big light-bulb moment for me. I still remember this moment on the first day of my first yoga teacher training at my local New York studio Shaktibarre over 6 years ago.
I really appreciated this understanding because it highlights that yoga is about so much MORE than a physical workout, which is often the focus in the Western world.
To honor the roots of yoga asana, I often complete the studio classes that I teach with a few minutes of seated meditation. ✨
In my teacher training, we studied Patanjali's Yoga Sutras texts. And his classification of yoga includes the following 8 limbs of yoga:
⭐ 1. Yama - Ethical guidelines, morals, virtues, & how we relate to other people
⭐ 2. Niyama - Personal observances, inner yogic codes, & how we relate to ourselves
⭐ 3. Asana - Physical postures
⭐ 4. Pranayama - Breath control & breathing practices
⭐ 5. Pratyahara - Withdrawal of senses
⭐ 6. Dharana - Concentration & mindfulness
⭐ 7. Dhyana - Meditation & contemplation
⭐ 8. Samadhi - State of bliss, liberation, & union
When you practice yoga, I invite you to explore these 8 limbs! As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. My email is open!
👉 Would you like individualized support with your yoga practice? Want to learn evidence-based tools to soothe your nervous system and reduce stress? If that sounds interesting, I invite you to check out my private yoga services!